Vision Early Childhood Education Consulting
What's Your Vision...?
Being an ECE Director is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs in the world.
As Directors, we take care of everything and everyone. We set the vision and manage the trajectory for our schools. It's a lot. Let me help YOU so that together we can make Your Vision a reality for the children, families and staff in your school.
As a skilled Director with over 19 years of experience in the world of early childhood education (ECE), I can assist you with a wide variety of leadership tasks wherever you are, near or far. Long term, short term, special projects, I can help you think things through, take some of the workload off your shoulders and help you achieve Your Vision.
Together we can set you and your school up for success!
Young children deserve only the best, and it is up to us, the Directors, to make sure they get it. As a leader, you need someone you can trust to help you with this enormous task.
As an expert in ECE leadership, you can count on me. I can help you with:
Vision statements, policies, parent handbooks & employee manuals
Professional Development - as a Trainer for the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care, I can provide high quality professional development for your teachers
Websites, Communications & Marketing - updating or creating websites, establishing branding, and designing brochures to advertise your school and/or special events
Curriculum - creating written guidance and supporting teachers
Administrative Tasks (there are sooo many....)
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Vision Early Childhood Education Consulting is a Limited Liability Company (LLC)